Welcome to the blog

Welcome to the blog

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Hi there! Welcome to the skyborn studios blog. Here, you’ll find content on games that are being worked on, thoughts straight from the developers of our games, guides on how to do lots of different stuff related to game development and software engineering, and a whole bunch of other stuff!


Jared here! I hope that eventually this will grow into some combination of dev-blogs, assets that can be useful for others, and a snapshot of all that was worked on with this group as it evolves. I’ve got big ambitions in the games we’ve got planned, jam packed with lots of story, trials, and tribulations.

I know I’m not perfect, and there’s lots of things that I’m gonna have to learn as I go through this whole thing. But that’s part of the fun, isn’t it? First thing I should probably learn is to go to bed at a decent hour hahahaha. Anyway!

Final Words

Please take a second to look at this illustration of my cat Mimi - you’ll probably see a lot of her around. Her brother Momo too! They’ve got tons of personality and will be aiding us in our journey. Anywho! Once again, welcome, and I hope that this place will serve you future people! :)

Best, Jared